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Toledo is the capital of Castilla la Mancha and since 1986 a World Heritage Site.
Its rich and long history goes back to 5th century BC Carpetani, but it is best known as the capital of the Visigoths, the Moors and the Kingdom of Toledo.
The city is also infamous for the bloody persecutions of Jews over the ages.
The walled old town sits on a hill in a bend of the Tagus River and is crowded with centuries-old buildings and shallow streets.
Major attractions are the massive 13th century Catedral, the jewish quarter called Juderia and the 18th century Alcazar which became (un)famous for the siege during the Spanish Civil War.
The Puente de Alcantara bridge to the east and the Puente de San Martin to the west are old entrances to the city. They provide excellent views of old Toledo and its surroundings.
At the Mirador del Valle you can enjoy a breathtaking panorama of the old city.
Old Town
Puenta de Alcantara
Puenta de San Martin
Mirador del Valle