Grand Teton National Park
Hunter-gatherers roamed
here already 11000 years ago and left tools of the Clovis culture.
The park was established
in 1929 and is a popular mountaineering destination.
In wintertime elk and bison migrate from higher grounds to the
Elk Refuge, close to the little town of Jackson.
In summertime moose can be spotted.
Grand Teton Park forms the southern
entrance to Yellowstone National Park via the Rockefeller Jr. Memorial Parkway.
We passed through the area in July 1990 and again
in June 1992.
a hiking trail higher up the mountain
where mountaineers thrive
a steep mountain slope
traveling south on the John D. Rockefeller Jr. Memorial Parkway the Teton peaks come in sight
along Jackson Lake
a view of Jackson Lake from above
a moose sloshes through a little pool
a mother-moose and her calf hide in the bushes
up here it is a bit chilly
but the views are pretty nice