In 1778 the famous Captain James Cook explored the northeastern part of the Gulf of Alaska and marked this body of water on his map as the Sandwich Sound. 
But his bosses in England thought it was politically better to name it after Prince William, hence it became the Prince William Sound.
The main port is Valdez, the terminus of the Trans Alaska Pipeline. This town was hit hard by the effects of the strong magnitude 9.2 Good Friday earthquake in 1964.
The huge Exxon Valdez oil spil of 1989 caused an unprecedented environmental disaster which took many years to recover from.  
The Sound ends at theChugach Mountain range which creates several tide-water glaciers like the Columbia and Meares.
Several operators offer half or full day boattrips from Valdez to these imposing glaciers.
Most probably you  will have close encounters with the abundant wildlife that live in the Sound like humpback whales, sea-otters, eagles, puffins and seals.
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Columbia Glacier
PWS wildlife
Meares Glacier