time for a re-fill of fresh, cold water
and there are pretty steep sections
the trail gets pretty narrow at times
in June 1984 there was still some snow left
we leave the trail to find some water
the Cabane de Charges, this is as far as we go
the Chapelle Saint-Marcellin is limited in size
below the Chapelle Saint-Marcellin there is a small stream
we take a short break to look back at Les Gourniers, a nice view indeed
a hike to la Cabane de Chargès near les Gourniers
The paved  regional road D241 north from Reallon ends at Les Gourniers. This hamlet forms the entrance to the Chargès valley which is part of the huge Massif des Ecrins
It is the starting point for a relatively easy hiking trail called les Arquoces. The path hugs the mountain slope and follows the Torrent de Reallon upstream to the Cabane de Chargès.
From here you can continue further into the Parc des Ecrins to Orciéres or scale the nearby Mourre Froid, that peaks at 2993 m.
The trail crosses several small streams that provide refreshment on hot summer days. But even at the end of June you may well encounter some leftover snowbanks since you do walk at well over 1700 meters.
During the 6.5 km long trek you pass the tiny Chapelle Saint-Marcellin, a chapel from the 18th century that is devoted to Marcellinus of Gaul,  the first bishop of Embrun in 345 AD.
We did this nice hike several times, the pictures are from 1984 through 1989.
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from the parking lot in Les Gourniers you first have to cross the Torrent de Reallon
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after a short climb we look back at the parking lot at Les Gourniers. Yes, the car is still there
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this stream is the Torrent de Charges
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and then we head back to Les Gourniers
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