The area between Lijiang and Shangri La is dominated by the Yangtze river and its trubutaries carved in  high snow covered mountains.
The Yangtze, or Jinsha as it is called here flows south from the Tibetan Plateau, but near Lijiang it takes a sudden U-turn (approperly called First Bend) north to a region where it has cut out one of the worlds deepest canyons, the Tiger Leaping Gorge
It is a favorite area for hiking, but recently the road has been improved so you can drive down to the Gorge.
The river continues north to swallow the Shuiluo river at the border with Sichuan and then heads east on its long long way to the Shanghai Delta.
To the east of the Yangze and north of Lijang lies a scenic mountain range called Jade Dragon Snow Mountains, its white peaks easily reach 5600 meters.
Lijiang, known for its pittoresque Naxi Old Town Dayan, has become a tourist magnet, much to the chagrin of the locals.
Shangri La, aka Zhongdian, is dominated by  the age-old Buddhist Sungtseling monastery sitting high on a hill.
The trip from Lijiang to Shangri La via HutiaoxiaZhen  takes 190 kms and provides fantastic  views of the surrounding mountains and the Jinsha River.
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Jade Dragon Snow
Shangri La
Lijiang to Shangri La
Tiger Leaping Gorge
First Bend