The city of Turpan sits at the northern edge of the Turpan Depression.  Winters are cold here, but 40C+summer temperatures make Turpan the hottest place in China.
For thousands of years Turpan was part of the Jushi Kingdom but later, thanks to its strategic location on the Silk Road, control over the region changed hands between Turks, Chinese, Tibetans, Yughurs, Mongols and finally Chinese again.
The Mongol Empire forcefully converted the predominantly Buddhist population to the Islam, which remains the major religion here as of today. 
The famous Emin Minaret dates fron 1778.Presently Uyghurs form almost 80% of the Turpan population.
The abundant sun and a reliable water supply from the Karez underground wells and channels have turned Turpan into the center of an agricultural area that grows cotton, wheat, melons and, above all, a huge variety of very tasty grapes.
We were in Turpan in October 2003.
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behind the hotel there is an alley where grapevines provide the much needed shadow
the minaret was named after general Emin Khoja who defeated a rebellion
the large square in front of the mosque
the tower was built in 1778 and with 44 meters the tallest minaret in China
a statue at the local gas station glorifies the rural life. Reality may deviate....
our hotel room has a distinct local touch
local artists at work
it is hot, time for a refreshment and a chat with the local entrepeneurs. Our guide keeps a close watch
they sell grapes
part of the age-old Karez irrigation system
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we stay at the Turpan Oasis Hotel
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in the hotel garden they have parked an old chariot
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near Turpan we visit the Uyghur mosque with the famous Emin Minaret
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a view from above the mosque
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in the evening we are treated on music and dance
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local transportation in Turpan
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