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The Republic of Finland is one of the most northern countries with 25% of the area above the Arctic Circle. Most Fins live in the southern part where temperatures are a bit moderated by the Gulfstream.
The north is mainly tundra, the south is all about lakes and timber.
Hunter-gatherers arrived 11000 years ago, at the end of the last Ice Age, hunting reindeer where the glaciers receded and tundra appeared.
Later agriculture was adopted in the south while the Sami in Lapland to the north continued a more pastoral lifestyle based on loosely herding reindeer.
Three Northern Crusades brought pagan Finland under full Swedish rule by 1293.
In the 18th century Sweden and Russia fought several wars but in 1809 Finland became part of the Russian Empire.
Following the 1917 Russian Revolution  Finland declared independence. After a short but bloody civil war the country became a presidential republic in 1918.
Finland is a member of the EU and the Eurozone. Officially it follows a neutral policy but it maintains cozy relations with NATO, much to the chagrin of Russia. 
Despite the recent recession Finland maintains a high standard of living.