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Germany, with Berlin as capital, was together with France, Italy and the Benelux one of the founding fathers of the European Union.
The Mauer 1 mandible shows that a local version of Homo Erectus lived here 600.000 years ago, and the fossils of the Neander Valley led to the discovery of our cousins the Neanderthals.
Germanic tribes violently interacted with the Roman Empire, as Varus found out, and during the Migration Period Germanic tribes founded France, settled in Spain and sacked Rome twice.
For 900 years German states formed the political and cultural heart of The Holy Roman Empire which ended in 1806 after the victory of Napoleon at Austerlitz.
In 1871 Germany became a Prussian dominated nation state under Kaizer Wilhelm I.
From 1870 till 1945 Germany waged war with France three times and was at the center of both world wars, causing  mayham and destruction to much of the world.
The Holocaust is a terrible and lasting stain on Germany's history, but unlike Japan, post-war Germans have accepted and come to terms with the committed war crimes.
After the fall of Nazi Germany the western part became the BRD, while in the East the DDR was established, under direct control of the Soviet Union.
In 1990 East and West were reunited, and nowadays Germany is the most populous country in the EU and its economic and political powerhouse.