providing nice photo opportunities
shortly after our arrival the geyser blows
Old Faithful
The cone geyser Old Faithful is a must-see activity in Yellowstone National Park, ever since it gots it name in 1870.
The place is easily accessable and has large parking lots at short walking distances from the geyser.
The name refers to the predictability of its eruptions, of which the plume can reach heights of almost 60 meters and up to 60 m3 of superhot water is ejected.
Depending on the duration of the previous eruption you have to wait one or one and a half hour for the next show.
The geyser has no major underground connections with the other geothermal activities in the Upper Geyser Basin, a fact that probably explains its regularity.
In early days people used it as a washing machine for their clothes.
We watched an eruption of Old Faithful in July 1990.
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the Old Faithful Area is easy accessable
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on our way to Old Faithful we see this critter along the road
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before the show is over people start leaving, must be in a hurry
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we sure liked the performance
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