just sit and admire nature at work
the glacier edge dwarfs the little boat to the left
Meares Glacier
Like the Columbia Glacier, the Meares Glacier is a tidewater glacier originating in the Chugach Mountains.
But while Columbia is retreating big time, Meares is in the other phase of tide water glaciers and is  presently advancing, much to the chagrin of some of the global warming proponents.
Tour operators in Valdez offer boattrips over the Prince William Sound to the Meares Glacier, often combined with the Columbia Glacier.
We visited Meares in June 2007 onboard one of Stan Stevens's cruise ships and saw a large chunk of ice calving and creating a mini tsunami in the Unakwik Inlet.
Because you can approach closer to the towering edge, we found the Meares more imposing than the Columbia.
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first glimpse of the glacier
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a wall of ice
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